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FEAP 06: Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct

  • Understanding that educators are held to a high moral standard in a community, the effective educator adheres to guidelines for student welfare pursuant to Section 1001.42(8), F.S., the rights of students and parents enumerated in Sections 1002.20 and 1014.04, F.S., and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida, pursuant to Rule 6A-10.081, F.A.C., and fulfills the expected obligations to students, the public and the education profession.



  • As an educator, I fully understand that I am held to an incredibly high standard of professionalism, responsibility, and ethical conduct. We are to be the leaders of the community's children and set the example of what a successful member of society should speak and act. We as educators must ensure that the image that we project to our students is also how we would expect them to behave in our own classrooms. If we expect our students to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, we must also. Educators must adhere to the code of Ethics and Principles of the Education Profession, not only in Florida but everywhere. Some people may think that just because they are out of state on a non-school-related function, it means that they can behave tactlessly. That statement is extremely false and makes all teachers look foolish when they behave as such. In the long run, we must project the image that we, and society, expect for ourselves. It is an image of respected, educated, and accomplished members of society.

    The first artifact is from the Fleming Island Band Handbook. It expressly states what the vision and purpose of the music program are, citing the exact characteristics of what the desired outcome is for the students in the program. There are educational goals, which develop competent musicians and incorporate music education into their total education; always keeping the student's studies a priority. There are cultural and citizenship expectations, of which the students develop an appreciation of the standard of quality performance and develop their citizenship skills through mental and physical discipline incurred from full immersion in the program. There is also a service component, where the students provide the school and community with their talents which in turn gives the community civic events. In conjunction with the service component, there is a leading factor where the students receive leadership training from the teachers and practice their skills in the band program, which leads to their personal lives and future careers.

    The Florida Department of Education provides not only the teaching community but also the public information on the Code of Ethics. If there is a question about whether or not something is ethical or proper for a teacher, the answer is available to everyone. The expectations, qualities, and responsibilities of teachers are not a secret and are easily accessed by anyone who wishes to see them.

    I have taken the data from the midterm and final, as well as the lesson observation to create line graphs to chart my progress throughout the internship semester. When considering my professionalism, I have had high marks from the beginning to the end, and there was only one area that needed improvement which was meeting the requirements and expectations of the college supervisor, directing teachers, administration, and other with a positive attitude. I do not think my attitude was an issue in this situation, it was understanding the requirements and expectations that everyone has set for me. Although the rating was between On Target and Developing, I still made an improvement from the midterm to the final. I have always made every effort to maintain professionalism in every situation and this is data, however strange it may seem in these charts, it proves such statements.

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