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FEAP 04: Assessment

  • The effective educator consistently:

    1. Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process;
    2. Designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning objectives and lead to mastery;
    3. Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains;
    4. Modifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles and varying levels of knowledge;
    5. Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student’s parent/caregiver(s); and,
    6. Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.



  • Of course, the effective educator is consistently using assessments and the data from those assessments to diagnose issues and find patterns and habits in students’ misconceptions and understanding of the material. The effective teacher will analyze data over multiple assessments and time to diagnose the issues and needs of the students. An effective teacher will then also use that information to inform lessons, know what to focus on, and propel the focus of classroom discussions, activities, homework, and projects.

    Using the assessment data, the effective teacher will also align their assessments to match the learning objects. There is no point in doing an assessment if it does not align with the learning objectives; Otherwise, the teacher is incredibly ineffective and the students will not focus on their learning objectives which would lead to mastery of the subject.

    Within the assessment process, effective educators should use a variety of assessments to collect data on the students. The collection of data in multiple facets should be a daily part of the classroom procedures, even if the assessment is informal. The teacher is able to learn a great deal from informal assessments such as polling the class and creating daily bell-ringer activities and jigsaw activities.

    Not all of these assessments will fit every classroom situation. The assessments between a science class, an English class, and my music classes need to be modified to fit the classroom conditions, the student's learning styles, and the varying levels of knowledge – especially in skills and performance-based classes like music.

    After assessments have been given and the data has been collected, the effective teacher knows how important it is to share the results with the students and their parent(s)/caregiver(s). If the students do not know how they performed on a given assessment, they do not know what they need to improve or what they do not understand.

    The effective teacher will also apply technology to organize and integrate assessment information. Educators now have so much technology to organize data and share it with parents. It makes this part of the job very easy, considering technology makes everything so accessible to the students and parents. Using an online program such as Focus helps to keep everything organized and accessible.

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