Knox, G. (2014, April 15-18). Navigating the Digital Frontier: Fostering Digital Literacy and 21st Century Skills for Success. [Paper presentation] The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA) San Francisco, California, United States
Knox, G. (2014, April 15-18). Elevating Education Through Gamification: Strategies and Implementation in the Modern Classroom. [Paper presentation] The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA) San Francisco, California, United States
Knox, G. (2014, February 15-18). Flipping the Script: Best Practices and Outcomes in Flipped Classroom Models. [Paper presentation] The annual meeting of The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Atlanta, United States
Knox, G. (2014, March 15-18). Evaluating the Influence of Blended Learning Models on Student Achievement and Educational Outcomes. [Paper presentation] The annual meeting of The Easter Educational Research Association (EERA) Clearwater, Florida, United States

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